Tailor made guitars and basses from Germany
Back in 2001 Stefan Schäfer felt that the look of common instruments used in extreme Metal and Grindcore did not meet the standards that were set by the music itself: While bands have always been pushing boundaries, most common guitars and basses had settled for standards. As a result the 666strings main man decided to manufacture custom instruments in the Braunschweig region that visually push boundaries while holding up to highest quality standards. Schäfer has also always been fascinated with wood and working with all different kinds of it. So, while there's an obvious focus on aggressive looks, 666strings instruments still do cover a wide spectrum of different looks and sounds in general. Look around and check for yourself!
Festival season is on!
Here's all you need to know for summer! Get the stink out of your sleeping bags, grab as many beers as you can and join our artists and friends on the following festivals this year!
Website relaunch 2018
Here it is - our new website is ready to roll and better than ever! 666strings is growing older and the instruments we've manufactured in all those years are starting to pile up, so there are a few conceptual changes we had to make.
Deamon 7 Sewn Skin finished!
Roger Johansson (Insision) had his first guitar manufactured in 2011, and he's been working lots of ideas with Stefan ever since their first contact. Finally, this new Deamon 7 covered in real leather patches is the jaw dropping result!